Android date get timezone

Get current time in a given timezone : android

I am new to Android and I am currently facing an issue to get current time given the timezone.

I get timezone in the format «GMT-7» i.e. string. and I have the system time.

Is there a clean way to get the current time in the above given timezone? Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

edit : Trying to do this :

11 Answers 11

I got it to work like this :

Also, every other time conversion based on this date should also be used with this timezone, otherwise, the default timezone of device will be used and the time will be converted based on that timezone.


Both the older date-time classes bundled with Java and the third-party Joda-Time library have been supplanted by the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the old troublesome date-time classes such as java.util.Date . See Oracle Tutorial. Much of the java.time functionality is back-ported to Java 6 & 7 in ThreeTen-Backport and further adapted to Android in ThreeTenABP.

By the way, never refer to an offset-from-UTC with a single digit of hours such as -7 , as that is non-standard and will be incompatible with various protocols and libraries. Always pad with a zero for second digit, such as -07 .

If all you have is an offset rather than a time zone, use the OffsetDateTime class.

If you have a full time zone, which is an offset plus a set of rules for handling anomalies such as Daylight Saving Time (DST), rather than a mere offset-from-UTC, use the ZonedDateTime class.

Current time in America/Denver: 20:41:36.560


You can use Joda-Time 2.7 in Android. Makes date-time work much easier.

dump to console.

zone: America/Denver | dateTime: 2016-07-11T20:50:17.668-06:00 | output: 20:50:17.668

Count Since Epoch

I strongly recommend against tracking by time by count-since-epoch. But if necessary, you can extract Joda-Time’s internal milliseconds-since-epoch (Unix time, first moment of 1970 UTC) by calling the getMillis method on a DateTime .

Note the use of the 64-bit long rather than 32-bit int primitive types.

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Getting GMT time with Android

I have been digging into the question for a while in StackOverflow Android get Current UTC time and How can I get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java?

I have tried two ways to get the current time of my phone in GMT. I am in Spain and the difference is GMT+2. So let’s see with an example: 1º attemp: I created a format and applied it to System.currentTimeMillis();

I need to substract that time to another time, that’s why i do the cast to Long.

I also tried this:

And still I dont get the right difference. But if I do this:

It does work OK.

6 Answers 6

This works for sure!

Specify the format, and you will get it in GMT!

As far as I read the calendar.getTimeInMillis(); returns the UTC time in millis. I used the following code and compared it to the Epoch in this site

Have a look and see if that works.

you can always use:

Output: 2016-08-01 14:37:48 UTC

java.time and ThreeTenABP

I am providing the modern answer.

To get the difference in milliseconds between the phone time now — in Spain or any other place — and a certain time in the past:

Difference is 2610350731 milliseconds

If you want the difference in seconds or some other time unit, just use the appropriate enum constant from the ChronoUnit enum instead of ChronoUnit.MILLIS .

There is no need to worry about the device time zone, nor about formatting or parsing the time, those worries only lead to over-complication of this basically simple matter.

BTW the epoch is one well-defined point in time, it doesn’t vary with time zone, it’s the same all over the world. Therefore the count of milliseconds from the epoch till now is also the same in all time zones. Some say that this count is always in UTC because the epoch is (usually) defined in UTC, as January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC.


Android Format date with time zone

I need to format the date into a specific string.

I used SimpleDateFormat class to format the date using the pattern » yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ » it returns current date as
» 2013-01-04T15:51:45+0530 » but I need as
» 2013-01-04T15:51:45+05:30 «.

Below is the coding used,

Output: formatted string: 2013-01-04T15:51:45+0530

I need the format as 2013-01-04T15:51:45+05:30 just adding the colon in between gmt time.

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Because I’m working on Google calendar to insert an event, it accepts only the required format which I have mentioned.

10 Answers 10

You can also use «ZZZZZ» instead of «Z» in your pattern (according to documentation). Something like this

You can use Joda Time instead. Its DateTimeFormat has a ZZ format attribute which does what you want.

Big advantage: unlike SimpleDateFormat , DateTimeFormatter is thread safe. Usage:

You can use the pattern, yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX for your desired output.


The date-time API of java.util and their formatting API, SimpleDateFormat are outdated and error-prone. It is recommended to stop using them completely and switch to the modern date-time API.

  • For any reason, if you have to stick to Java 6 or Java 7, you can use ThreeTen-Backport which backports most of the java.time functionality to Java 6 & 7.
  • If you are working for an Android project and your Android API level is still not compliant with Java-8, check Java 8+ APIs available through desugaring and How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project.

Using the modern date-time API:

Building an object that holds date, time and timezone offset information and formatting the same:


As you can notice, the outputs for the default format and for that using a DateTimeFormatter are same. However, there is a catch here: the implementation of OffsetDateTime#toString omits the second and the fraction of second if they are 0 i.e. if the time in the above code is LocalTime.of(15, 0, 0) , the output for the default format will be 2013-01-04T15:00+05:30 . If you need a string like 2013-01-04T15:00:00+05:30 for this time, you will have to use a DateTimeFormatter with the desired pattern.

Parsing and formatting:


Using the legacy API:

Building a date-time object for the given timezone offset and formatting the same:


The Calendar class uses UTC (or GMT ) as its default timezone and therefore, unless you specify the timezone with it, it will return the java.util.Date object for UTC .

Similarly, the SimpleDateFormat class also uses UTC as its default timezone and therefore, unless you specify the timezone with it, it will return the formatted String for the corresponding date-time in UTC .


How to convert date object to ones own timezone in android?

In android, I download date information from a MySQL database on a free web server, then convert it to a Date object using:

Note: the server time is 5 hours ahead of toronto.

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This doesn’t seem to work..

The problem is that the date is relative to the timezone of the server. The one downloading could be confused with the times as they don’t know its not in their own timezone.

I have a Date object, is there a way I can retrieve the timezone of the location the users phone is in, and then modify that Date object to be their own timezone?

This gets a timezone object, but how do I change a Date object with it?

3 Answers 3

My app has to deal with server time similar to you. (All datetime that I got from server represent datetime at UTC +00:00)

When you wanna print this date in Toronto, I believe you don’t have to calculate DST by yourself because calendar and date formatter should handle that (not sure, I read from somewhere long ago)

You can set calendar and date formatter to user timezone by replace

When I deal with date from server, I’ll

  • request UTC time from server, if server doesn’t send me UTC time, convert to UTC time first.
  • when parse date object from server, I always create date object represent time at UTC (time at server)
  • perform calculation or anything else with UTC date object.
  • pass only UTC date object from and to Activity/Fragment/Service/Model
  • only format date string with user timezone only when I need to display to user.


How to get TimeZone from android mobile?

I want to get the time zone from the Android mobile when clicking a button.

12 Answers 12

Have you tried to use TimeZone.getDefault() :

Most applications will use TimeZone.getDefault() which returns a TimeZone based on the time zone where the program is running.

TimeZone GMT+09:30 Timezone id :: Australia/Darwin

Edit: corrected the case

I needed the offset that not only included day light savings time but as a numerial. Here is the code that I used in case someone is looking for an example.

I get a response of «3.5» (3:30′) which is what I would expect in Tehran , Iran in winter and «4.5» (4:30′) for summer .

I also needed it as a string so I could post it to a server so you may not need the last line.

for getting currect time zone :

It will return user selected timezone.

ZoneId from java.time and ThreeTenABP

When I ran this snippet in Australia/Sydney time zone, the output was exactly that:

If you want the summer time (DST) aware time zone name or abbreviation:


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