Cortex command для андроид

Cortex Command (Build 18) — скачать игру бесплатно

Каждый человек знает, как нелегко выбрать оптимальную игру, из существующего вокруг нас разнообразия. Огромное количество жанров, разнообразных графических, и сюжетных решений, с одной стороны, все это не может не радовать, а с другой, разумеется, затрудняет поиск именно того, что вам необходимо. Тем не менее, повстречав данного представителя интересного жанра Cтрелялки (Action games), вы нашли именно то, что искали.

Продуманный сюжет, вожделенные награды, ачивки и отличная графика добавят в ваши будни прекрасного настроения и новых красок вместе с увлекательной мини игрой Cortex Command (Build 18), которую можно скачать без регистрации ! Разработанная в популярном жанре Cтрелялки (Action games), эта казуальная игра способна поглотить ваше внимание целиком и полностью! Будьте готовы к неожиданным поворотам событий на пути к поставленным целям!

Закинь все свои повседневные заботы и хлопоты в дальний ящик, отвлекись, развлекись и расслабься при помощи игры Cortex Command (Build 18), которую относят к жанру Cтрелялки (Action games). Игра предоставляется абсолютно бесплатно, дабы уже наслаждаться ею, нужно всего лишь скачать и установить ее.

Логические игры — отличная разминка для мозга, а не просто казуальные игры. У мини – игры Cortex Command (Build 18) есть, чем усладить тех, кто любит детские игры и даже взрослых. Cortex Command — это одна из тех игр, где сюжет и смысл не так уж и важны. Куда важнее сам игровой процесс. Cortex Command является комбинацией стратегии и аркадного платформера.

Необычное довольно таки сочетание. В начале игры геймер строит свою базу или бункер и распределяет вокруг бункера своих солдат и роботов, раскладывает оружие и подготавливает десант. Соперник действует аналогично. Потом начинается бой, целью которого является бункер оппонента и …сами понимаете.

Но самой главной фишкой стала «Пиксельная физика», хорошо известна нам по играм «Tank Wars», «Scorched Earth», «Worms» и пр., но тут технология пошла дальше. А еще — в Cortex Command безпроблемно можно создавать свои модификации нового оружия, солдат, карт и пр.Оцените сами все преимущества игры Command (Build 18)!

Размер игры: 51.3 Мб
Тип игры: установи и играй без ограничений


Скачать Cortex Command

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Скачать Cortex Command

Уже сегодня вы можете скачать Cortex Command с нашего сайта – долгожданный аркадно-платформенный шутер! Все человечество с каждым днем все больше и больше задумывается над тем, что же нас ждет в недалеком будущем? Много различных вопросов по этому поводу и множество мнений! Компания разработчик данной новинки предпочла рассказать историю будущего так, как видит она! То есть человечество настигнет тяжелая участь и оно вынуждено будет покинуть свою родную планету! А также все люди избавятся от своего физического тела. Это будет иметь очень нестандартный вид – путешествующие по космосу мозги, работоспособность которых можно поддерживать лишь искусственным способом! И даже то, что они будут доставать себе необходимые ресурсы еще больше нас как геймеров удивит! А дальше еще больше! Все происходящие события будут происходить на отдельных планетах! Каждый с игроков построит свои собственную базу или станцию, в которой он и будет хранить свой мозг в специальной банке! А по периметру данной станции вы выставите своих личных солдат и таким образом будете иметь мощный тыл! Скачать Cortex Command — это значит самому стать одним из них! И управлять своим(!) мозгом!

Скачать cortex command с нашего сайта очень просто, гораздо сложнее сказать, справитесь ли вы с поставленной вам задачей! Поскольку возле вашего бункера будут солдаты и роботы, а ваш противник будет иметь такую же оборонную позицию! То есть силы равны! Остается только определить сильнейшего! За счет золота, добытого специальным буром(diccer), вы сможете совершать необходимые вам покупки в космическом магазине! Помимо всех бытовых потребностей, будет множество жестоких баталий и нападений, в которых вам кровь с носу необходимо будет победить! Боевой арсенал и его мощнейшая динамика сразят вас наповал своими масштабностью и мощью! Кстати, различные приспособления и механизмы вы сможете не только использовать по предназначению, но и как настоящий механик, разбирать на запчасти или собирать! Невероятно увлекательно и эксцентрично! Но в том случаи, если вам это никто не помешает сделать! Если желаете все вышеперечисленное испытать на себе, тогда обязательно советую вам скачать cortex command!

Cortex command моды

Cortex command моды — вот основные с них:

  • Дом Солнца
  • Красный легион
  • Не на жизнь, а на смерть
  • Военный хаммер с 40-ка фракциями
  • Био — оружие
  • марионетка
  • Военно-технический и множество других!

К тому же Cortex command моды делают игру невероятно разнообразной и яркой! Никакой другой шутер такого класса не имеет на сегодняшний день такого огромнейшего разнообразия модификаций, как Cortex command!

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И как всегда в таких ситуациях, лучшим вариантом будет Cortex command скачать торрент! Чтобы пройти тотальную разрушаемость уровней, горы мяса и крови, а также море разных фишек и примочек, для начала все же надо знать. Что и для чего, и как правильно управлять игрой! Поэтому прежде, чем начать, внимательно запомните последовательность данного алгоритма:

  • Открываем игру
  • Заходим в сценарии и выбираем необходимый или интересующий нас( стандартный скримиш, One man army, Masscare, Survival, Harvester, Keeppie uppie, Brain vs. Brain и множество других на выбор)
  • Выбираем сложность прохождения данной игры и сценария
  • Выбираем на планете место, где мы будем строить бункер
  • Начинаем игру и распределяемся!


Cortex command для андроид

Если вы выложили новую версию игры или её кэш, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом модератору, нажав на вашем сообщении кнопку «Жалоба».

С запросами на обновление уже существующих на форуме игр обращайтесь в тему Обновите игру!

Каталог портированных игр на Android OS

  • Что такое порт/околопорт?
  • Для понимания:
    Порт это не обрезанная версия, а полноценная, перенесенная на платформу Android.
    Порты выходят значительно позже (спустя несколько лет) после релизов игр и изначально разрабами не задумываются, а выпускаются с целью собрать бабла с отжившей своё игры. Порты фанаты игр очень ждут.
    Околопорт — это незначительная «вариация на тему», очень несущественно отличающаяся геймплеем.
    Мультиплатформа — это когда разрабы заранее, еще до момента релиза игры или чуть позже, заявляют, для каких платформ сразу выйдет игра. Так же, мультиплатформа является игрой с кроссплеем с разными платформами, а не донатные помои с поверхностей маркета. К данному подразделу относятся также и порты браузерных игр (не всех, разумеется) доступные как на PC, так и на мобильных устройствах.
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  • Какие портированные игры будут добавляться в шапку?
  • В данной теме будем собирать каталог игр, которые были портированы на Android с PC, PS, XBOX и других платформ.
  • Почему мой очень важный пост удалили?
  • Существует очень много факторов, в связи с которыми ваш пост был удалён. К примеру: Ваш пост чистой воды оффтоп; пост оформлен не по шаблону; игра уже есть в шапке; Ваш пост нарушает правила форума.
    • Список игр по жанрам. Актуально на 10.04.2020. | Исходник кода списка прикреплен к записи и каждый может его актуализировать по мере наполнения шапки. Ссылку на список по жанрам буду в шапке обновлять. Просьба к тому, кто будет актуализировать список по жанрам не забывать прикреплять текстовый файл с кодом записи для последующего наполнения.

    Сообщение отредактировал veabro — 04.09.21, 11:59


    Cortex Command

    Cortex Command is a 2-dimensional side-scrolling action game developed by Data Realms. In the game, the player takes the role of a disembodied brain, who controls various clones and robots to achieve his aims. The main goal of the game is mining gold, which is used to purchase n.


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    Games Like Cortex Command for Android

    #1 Bad Eggs Online 2

    Bad Eggs Online 2 is a Strategy, Artillery-based, and Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed by Bad Viking for Android and iOS. The game features a massive arsenal of weaponry from the local frying pan to chicken of doom. In the beginning, the player needs to select his character from available and jump into the game where he has to compete against AI controlled characters or another player to smash. It has two different modes such as Quick Play and Practice. In Practice mode, the player can learn new skills, take better aim and prepare himself for the fight against enemies. In Quick mode, the player competes against up to six players from around the globe in the unique environment with multiple weapons. The primary objective is to aim, and fire to attack enemies. As the player kills enemies, the game rewards him with XP points and raise up his level. After earning enough points, the player can use these points to unlock heavy weapons to crush the enemies. Bad Eggs Online 2 offers prominent features such as Turn-based Gameplay, Online Multiplayer Experience, Original Soundtracks, a wide range of Weaponry, and more. Bad Eggs Online 2 is the best game compared to other Artillery games.

    #2 Pocket Tanks

    Pocket Tanks is a Strategy, Turn-based, Single and Multiplayer Artillery game created and published by Blitwise Production. The game takes place in different landscapes and lets you create your team and get into the game world where you can use various weapons, tanks, missiles and other armors to defeat your enemies. You must earn a certain amount of coins to win the level. Immerse yourself in a team battle with an objective to score the highest points and kill the greatest amount of foes. You can play against the computer-controlled team or other players. The game includes different environments to explore such as Bunkers, Tunnels, Mountains, Pedestals, and more. 320 different weapons are included in the game for you to play. Pocket Tanks includes core features such as Weapons Expansion Packs, Cannon Ball, Mega Cruiser, Hot Foot and more. With detailed graphics, addictive gameplay and superb controls, Pocket Tanks is the best alternative to Worms video game to play and enjoy.

    #3 Hedgewars

    Hedgewars is a Free-to-play, Strategy, Artillery and Turn-based video game developed by Xeli. The game offers an exciting gameplay and lets you control a team of Hedgehogs and battle against other players or computer controlled teams. It offers turn-based gameplay and allows you to select one of your character from your team on your turn, take aim and shoot at enemies to kill them. You must kill all opposing members to victory. The game takes place in the stunning environment and lets you explore different landscapes and earn points to unlock powerful weapons. There are different weapons to use such as Cluster Bombs, Dynamite, UFOs, Bazookas, Grenades and more. It supports both single and multiplayer modes with Artificial Intelligence characters. Hedgewars offers prominent features such as a massive variety of Maps and Environments, Modification Options, Customize your Team, Costumes and more. Hedgewars is the wonderful game to play and enjoy.

    #4 Warmux

    Warmux is a Free-to-play, Multiplayer and Artillery-based video game available to play on Android and Windows platforms only. The game is published as Wormux and was renamed in 2010 to Warmux. It offers the similar gameplay like Worms and lets you create and customize your team and get into the game world where you have to fight against other players. You can use a variety of weapons and must take aim on your turns to kill the members of the opposing team. You can play the game in online modes with your fellows if they use the same edition. It has two different modes such as Private Mode, and Public Mode. Complete several levels and earn points, kill foes using weapons and unlock further content. Immerse yourself in turn-based gameplay and play your turn strategy. Warmux includes core features such as many Weapons, Turn by Turn Gameplay, Detailed Graphics, Unlockable Content and more. Try it out.

    #5 Duel of Tanks

    Duel of Tanks combines the elements of Strategy, Turn-based, Online and Artillery video game created and published by Mobile Software and Games. The game takes place in the fully destructible world where you can control a team of tanks loaded with cannons and howitzers. It has two different modes such as Time Attack and Mission. Control your tanks throughout levels, take aim using the mouse on your turn, and shoot on enemies in order to eliminate them. The game offers intuitive controls and lets you rotate the barrel of the tank by swiping your finger on the screen. You must fight against enemies in twenty different levels, play your turn, eliminate the maximum amount of enemy tanks and earn score. Explore exciting landscapes and unlock new content using points and upgrade your tanks. Duel of Tanks offers cool features such as Stunning Environment, Detailed visuals, different Modes, Strategic Gameplay, Mount your Tank, different Weapons, etc. Duel of Tanks is the best game as compared to other Artillery video games.

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    #6 Sheep War

    Sheep War is an Action, Top-down, Turn-based, Strategy and Multiplayer Shooter video game available to play on Browser and Android. The game takes place in the stunning environment and includes insane weapons. In the game, your main task is to fight against other player and destroy his units to win. You have four sorts of units and each has it won weapons, power, speed, and armor. Use your turn to attack your enemies, eliminate them to earn points. You can use points to unlock other features, weapons, and content. Show your shooting abilities and score the highest points to the victory. Immerse yourself in turn-based gameplay and explore exciting landscapes. Choose your character and dive into the game world. With the exciting environment, addictive gameplay, brilliant controls, and superb soundtracks, Sheep War is the wonderful game to play and enjoy.

    #7 Bomb Me

    Bomb Me is an Arcade, Turn-based Strategy, and Artillery game created by Efun Company Limited. The game takes place in fully destructible terrain. Jump into the game world by selecting your character and complete challenging levels to score points. You can immerse yourself in turn-by-turn gameplay experience. Your main objective is to fight against real players in a stunning environment and eliminate them by taking aim and shooting. Explore different worlds, collect points and use them to upgrade your weapons. The game is easy to play but hard to master. It lets you a chance to show off your shooting abilities and make your fellows go insane. There are up to 1000 different weapons and lets you to play the game, find your love, date beautifies and get married with your love. Bomb Me offers core features such as Intuitive controls core features, detailed environment, brilliant mechanics, and exciting soundtracks, Bomb Me is the wonderful game to play and enjoy.

    #8 Wormix

    Wormix is an Action, Turn-based Strategy, and Artillery video game developed and published by Pragmatix. The game offers the similar gameplay to Worm and available to play on Android and iOS. It takes place in the fully destructible environment and includes hundreds of maps to destroy. You can interact with other players around the world, create your own squad, equip them with insane weapons and jump into battle. You can fight against computer controlled or other player teams. You can immerse yourself in turn-by-turn gameplay experience and can take aim on your turn to shoot enemies to encounter them. It has a set of challenging levels as well as boss stages. There are tons of weapons to use and you are able to craft your own. Earn points and win amazing rewards to use unlock further content, weapons, and levels. Wormix offers core features such as Awesome Races, Tactics, Multiple Modes, Arsenal, Create your Character, Detailed Maps, and more. Wormix is one of the best game as compared to other Artillery games.

    #9 DD Tank

    DD Tank is an Artillery-based, Turn-based, Strategy and Massively Multiplayer Online video game like Gunbound created and published by Aeria Games. The game combines the elements of PvP, Shooter, and side-scroll. Get into the game world select your character either as male or female and your objective is to fight against AI-controlled characters or other players in PvP combat. Score the highest points, defeat the foes and unlock a set of advanced weapons to dominate the stage. There are a variety of levels, and each level offers unique background, attractive sounds and a set of objectives that you must complete at any cost. It has a set of adorable pets, and you train them to be your ultimate companion. Create your guild or join your friends’ team to defeat the massive bosses and engage yourself in team-based gameplay experience. There are hundreds of weapons and outfits to show your amazing and unique style. Real-time PvP, Multiple Dungeons, Three-Hundred unique Outfits, different Modes and more. Try it out, and you’ll love it.

    #10 Bowmasters

    Bowmasters is an Action, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed and published by The game brings an exciting gameplay that you never played before and introduces a series of exiting characters from which you can select one of them. Each character has its unique skills and equipped with a bow. The ultimate task is to take aim and release the arrow to kill the opponent. It mainly revolves around turn-based gameplay, and you can also play with your friends in one device turn by turn. There are more than forty-one insane characters and it has more than forty-one different weapons for all mayhem with amazing rag-doll physics. It has multiple modes such as Shoot Birds, Defeat the Enemies in Duel, Earn Money for That, Fruits Down and more. The game rewards you with endless rewards, depending on your progress through the game. In the beginning, both characters’ health bar are full, the character will lose the match, whose health bar goes to zero. Unlock stunning weapons, and compete against rival enemies to smash. Bowmasters includes core features such as 41 Characters, Physics-based Gameplay, Multiple Modes, Epic Duels, and more. Try it out, and you’ll love it.

    #11 Worms 3

    Worms 3 is an Artillery-based, Strategy, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Team 17 for mobile devices such as iOS and Android. The game takes place in the Worms Universe and serves as the sequel in the series of Worms video game. It brings a Story mode comprises 27 Single-player missions around four different themes such as Sewer, Farmyard, Spooky and Beach. It offers the similar gameplay like its previous titles, in which the worms’ teams take turn to use different items and weapons to eliminate the rival teams. It is the first game in the series to feature card mode, enabling the player to modify the start and end of each turn. There are more than 41 cards available which can be gathered by unlocking rewards or purchasing them. It has four different worms classes and the game features the Online Multiplayer mode, where players can compete against each other, eliminate members, using weapons and more. Customization, Be the Best, Battle in Death Match, Play Online, etc. are core features in the game. Check it out, and immerse yourself in artillery gameplay.

    #12 Redcon

    Redcon (also known as Redcon: Strike Commander) is a RTS (Real-time Strategy) and Single-player video game, inspired by Japanese anime movie Memories. The game is available to play on multiple platforms, developed by Hexage. At the beginning of the game, the player controls the fort, equipped with cannons. The ultimate goal of the player is to demolish the fort of the enemy without being defeated. During the gameplay, the player can upgrade the facilities and weapons and can also configure between the battles. There are a variety of weapons and facilities available in-game. The game takes place in the WWI-themed, where the state known as The Empire leads a brutal war against the rebel nation known as Krux. The player takes on the role of the commander, who also can control the soldiers, who are the crew of the fortress. The goal of the player is to assemble the artillery force and blast his foes. Struggle to lead his empire against brutal generals and their minions. The player can build and customize the battle fort in his style and can use the active pause to freeze the time and can command multiple order instantly.

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    #13 Original Journey

    Original Journey is an Action-Adventure, Rogue-like, 2D Side-scroll, and Single-player video game with RPG elements developed by Bonfire Entertainment and published by Another Indie. The setting of the game takes place in the beautiful planet lies on the Origin Stone, a rare artifact that can rescue the homeland of the player. During the game, the player needs to overcome waves of monstrous enemies that struggle to fend off the path of the player and find out the harsh truth buried in the player’s invasion. The game features dual wield more than plenty of alien-based weapons as well as upgrades to unlock and upgrade. The player needs to strategically attack the waves of enemies and destroy them to move to the next stage. The missions of the game deal with shooting, racing, and other elements and the player will experience the harrowing and rich narratives. There are more than 100 levels, and each level contains a set of hidden secrets to unearth. Original Journey includes prominent features such as Experience the Rich Narrative, Struggle to Survive the People of Ato, Uncover Truth, Duel Wield Weapons, and more.

    #14 GunboundM

    GunboundM is an Artillery, Strategy, Side-scroll, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed DargomStudio Co., Ltd for Android and iOS. The notable feature of the game is its PvP gameplay and during the gameplay, the player can ride on vehicle with different cannons and battle against other players from across the world. Each team has three different mobiles each with unique attributes. It offers easy to pick-up, but hard to master gameplay. There are over forty-five weapons that the player can use to take down opponents. The player moves from a side view, aim and then release fire at opponents to destroy. The world of the game is destructible and there are over fifteen battle-mobile available. The game rewards the player with points for each dominated battle. In single-player mode, the player can fight against AI-controlled team while Multiplayer mode, the player go against a team of real players. GunboundM includes prominent features such as Different Avatars, Riders, Collect Mobiles, 45 Weapons, Strategically Gameplay, and more. Try it out, and have fun.

    #15 Tank Stars

    Tank Stars is an Arcade, Artillery, Single-player and Multiplayer video game takes place in the 2D world developed and published by Playgendary for Android and iOS. The game features tanks at the player fingertips and enables him to select from a simple missile to an atomic bomb with an aim to shoot enemies in order to destroy them. The game is played from a side-scroll perspective, and the player control the tank equipped with heavy weaponry. The setting of the game takes place in the destructible world, and the player needs to aim and shoot the enemy using different types of weapons during his turn and struggle to defeat him to earn coins. The player can use his earned coins to collect and upgrade tanks and also can unlock powerful weapons to use in battle. Online Multiplayer mode enables the player to invite his friend and compete against each other in several levels to show off their unique abilities. Tank Stars includes prominent features such as Loads of Deadly Weapons, Cool Weapon Upgrades, Epic Graphic Effects, Online Multiplayer and more.

    #16 Warlings: Armageddon

    Warlings: Armageddon is an Artillery, Strategy, Single-player and Multiplayer video game developed by 17th Pixel Poland for mobile devices. The game brings Armageddon to the player enemies and everything surrounding them is in a new title, revolving around turn-based strategy genre. In the game, the player needs to plan his strategy and then fight against enemies using more than 30 weaponry on ten challenging and unique maps. The aim is to take down other players online and struggle to reach the Master rank at any cost. While playing the game, the player is capable of playing the game with friends. It takes place in a fully destructive environment and features over twenty-nine weapons. More than ten maps are waiting for the player, and the customization feature enables the player to modify his troops. Both options such as Online and via Bluetooth are available for players to play the game. Warlings: Armageddon includes prominent features such as 10 Maps, Customizable Troops, Bluetooth Mode, Online Ranking, and more.

    #17 Stick Z Bow

    Stick Z Bow is an Arcade, Artillery, and Single-player video game brought to you by Onesoft for Android and iOS. The game offers engaging gameplay, in which the player controls a stick figure from a side-view, and he aims to dominate each level. The character is armed with bow and arrows that he can use against rival characters to defeat them. Get ready to experience the intense physics-based archery gameplay, which has a dynamic roster of hero with unique abilities. The player can use drag and drop feature to aim and shoot arrows at enemies. A single headshot will completely destroy the enemy. During the gameplay, you have to battle against enemies to get as many coins as possible and use them to purchase other heroes or accessories for customization. There are different kinds of weapons to select and use. The game introduces minimalistic graphics and the theater animations. Stick Z Bow includes prominent features such as Simple Controls, Various Weapons, Minimalist Visuals, and more.

    #18 Worms 2: Armageddon

    Worms 2: Armageddon is a Strategy, Adventure, and Single-player video game developed by Team 17 Digital Limited for Android and iOS. It is the sequel to the Worms: Armageddon and offers the same gameplay as the first one. Throughout the game, the player has to battle against the worms that are now bigger and better than in the previous release.

    The player has to complete 30 missions across five new themes, such as Manhattan, Medieval, Sports, Construction, and Cheese. In the body count mode, the player takes on endless waves of tough enemy worms until the player’s health approaches zero. The game allows the player to take on players from around the world in multiplayer mode for two players.

    The sequel comes up with new weapons and utilities, such as the Sentry Gun, Electromagnet, Napalm Strike, etc. The game allows the player to personalize the worm’s look by modifying the names, hat, skin, gravestone, etc.


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