- Video DownloadHelper
- Возможности Video DownloadHelper
- VideoFrom
- 4K Video Downloader
- YouTube Video Downloader
- SaveFrom Net помощник скачать бесплатно
- Video DownloadHelper скачать бесплатно
- Полное описание
- Video DownloadHelper от mig
- Метаданные расширения
- Используется
- Сообщить о нарушении правил этим дополнением
- История версий Video DownloadHelper — 16 версий
- Версия 7.6.0
- Старые версии
- Версия 7.4.0
- Версия 7.3.9
- Версия 7.3.7
- Версия 7.3.6
- Версия 7.3.5
- Версия 7.3.4
- Версия 7.3.1
- Версия 7.3.0
- Версия 7.2.2
- Версия 7.2.1
- Версия 7.2.0
- Версия 7.1.2
- Версия 7.1.1
- Версия 7.1.0
- Версия 7.0.0
Video DownloadHelper
Video DownloadHelper — простое, быстрое и удобное средство для скачивания видеоклипов из интернета. Устанавливается в виде бесплатного плагина для популярных веб-обозревателей, поддерживает режим пакетной загрузки файлов, конвертирует контент в различные видеоформаты.
Возможности Video DownloadHelper
- Ведёт список загруженных файлов;
- Наличие встроенного планировщика;
- Значок софта интегрируется напротив адресной строки;
- Рекомендации о нахождении интересного для вас контента;
- Автоматическое предложение загрузить просмотренное на Ютубе видео;
- Размещение нужного файла в различных соцсетях, конвертирование для смартфонов;
- Установка расширения Video DownloadHelper для браузеров Firefox, Хром, Опера и т.д.
- Поддержка Flash Video Codec;
- Быстрая обработка материалов;
- Невысокие системные требования;
- Можно оценить просматриваемый ролик;
- Совместимо с Windows XP, Vista и выше;
- Занесение ненужных видеороликов в блэклист;
- Доступна тонкая настройка качества видеоклипа.
- Скорость закачки может меняться из-за медленного интернет-подключения.
4K Video Downloader
YouTube Video Downloader
SaveFrom Net помощник скачать бесплатно
Video DownloadHelper скачать бесплатно
Последняя версия: от 01.06 2021
Операционные системы:
Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista
Полное описание
Видео Даунлоад Хелпер — это специальное дополнение для браузера, позволяющее скачивать различные видеофайлы из интернета на жёсткий диск компьютера. Встраивается возле панели закладок и будет отображаться в виде иконки с тремя разноцветными шарами. Поддерживает управление при помощи горячих клавиш.
Стоит отметить тонко настраиваемые параметры скачки с возможностью конвертации скачиваемого файла в нужный формат, например: FLV, MP4, MPG, MPEG, AVI, WMV, MOV, ASF, DIVX, MPEG4, WEB. Для сохранения роликов достаточно перейти к требуемой странице сайта и нажать кнопку «Загрузить». Также окно утилиты можно вызвать через контекстное меню.
Вы сможете загружать файлы с любых веб-сайтов и видеохостингов, в том числе: YouTube, MySpace, Google Video, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo и т.д. Присутствует полезный инструмент для захвата потокового видео в режиме онлайн. Ещё пользователи смогут сохранять разные графические изображения и анимации. Имеется возможность отсылать скачиваемый контент на мобильный телефон либо в социальные сети.
Разработчики регулярно обновляют и улучшают веб-расширение. Об этом свидетельствуют отличные показатели совместимости последней версии Video DownloadHelper с Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari и Microsoft Edge.
Video DownloadHelper от mig
The easy way to download and convert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites.
Метаданные расширения
Video DownloadHelper is the most complete tool for extracting videos and image files from websites and saving them to your hard drive.
Just surf the web as you normally do. When DownloadHelper detects embedded videos it can access for download, the toolbar icon highlights and a simple menu allows you to download files by simply clicking an item.
For instance, if you go to a YouTube page, you’ll be able to download the video directly on your file system. It also works with most other popular video sites like DailyMotion, Facebook, Periscope, Vimeo, Twitch, Liveleak, Vine, UStream, Fox, Bloomberg, RAI, France 2-3, Break, Metacafe, and thousands of others.
Video DownloadHelper supports several types of streamings, making the add-on unique amongst Video downloaders: HTTP, HLS, DASH, … Whenever a site uses a non-supported streaming technology, Video DownloadHelper is able to capture the media directly from the screen and generate a video file.
Besides downloading, Video DownloadHelper is also capable of making file conversions (i.e. change audio and video formats) and aggregation (combining separate audio and video into a single file). This is an upgrade feature that helps pay for the free stuff (we need to eat too). You are not compelled to use conversion for downloading videos from websites, and you can avoid picking variants marked as ADP to avoid the need for aggregation.
Video overview on how to use Video DownloadHelper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZT8yI60k_4
Support can be obtained from the dedicated support forum.
Please stay tuned by following us on Twitter (@downloadhelper), or Facebook.
Сообщить о нарушении правил этим дополнением
Если вы считаете, что это дополнение нарушает политики Mozilla в отношении дополнений, или имеет проблемы с безопасностью или приватностью, сообщите об этих проблемах в Mozilla, используя эту форму.
Не используйте эту форму, чтобы сообщать об ошибках или запрашивать новые функции в дополнении; это сообщение будет отправлено в Mozilla, а не разработчику дополнения.
Этому дополнению нужно:
- Обмениваться сообщениями с программами, помимо Firefox
- Помещать данные в буфер обмена
- Загружать файлы, а также читать и изменять историю загрузок браузера
- Показывать вам уведомления
- Получать доступ ко вкладкам браузера
- Получать доступ к активности браузера при навигации
- Получать доступ к вашим данных на всех сайтах
Fixed YouTube bulk download
After changes on the YouTube video site, it was no longer possible to download several videos from a single operation by mouse-selecting the videos in the YouTube page and requesting a bulk-download operation. Video DownloadHelper version 7.6.0 provides a workaround for this issue.
Fixed YouTube multiple videos selection
A long standing issue: when mouse-selecting a portion of a YouTube web page in order to request a download of all the videos included in this selection, some videos could be missed in the process. This is now fixed.
Soundcloud support
Soundcloud now has special support allowing tunes to be downloaded as MP3 files.
Updated all locales
История версий Video DownloadHelper — 16 версий
Будьте осторожны со старыми версиями! Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вы всегда должны использовать последнюю версию дополнения.
Версия 7.6.0
Fixed YouTube bulk download
After changes on the YouTube video site, it was no longer possible to download several videos from a single operation by mouse-selecting the videos in the YouTube page and requesting a bulk-download operation. Video DownloadHelper version 7.6.0 provides a workaround for this issue.
Fixed YouTube multiple videos selection
A long standing issue: when mouse-selecting a portion of a YouTube web page in order to request a download of all the videos included in this selection, some videos could be missed in the process. This is now fixed.
Soundcloud support
Soundcloud now has special support allowing tunes to be downloaded as MP3 files.
Updated all locales
Many thanks to our contributors !
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Старые версии
Версия 7.4.0
* Added aggregator tool
In some situations, on sites streaming separately video and audio, Video DownloadHelper is not able to recognize both streams as being parts of the same media and does not offer automatic aggregation. As a result, the user may end up with an audio or video-only file, depending on the chosen variant. When an audio-only and a video-only file have been downloaded, it is now possible to use the local aggregation tool to merge those two files to a single audio-video media file.
* Added Greek and Hungarian locales
* Fixed possible crash when downloading a HLS videos
* Updated all locales
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.9
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.7
Video DownloadHelper 7.3.7 handles a recent YouTube change that could cause a video to be undetected, showing «No media to process in the current tab» in the add-on main panel.
Updated locales: Russian
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.6
New locales available: Indonesian (thanks to Amin Muhammad), Catalan (thanks to Jaume Badiella)
Updated locales: Japanese, Dutch, Slovak, Turkish, Chinese Traditional, Polish, Swedish, Slovenian
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.5
Version 7.3.5 now has support for downloading videos from YouTube that are available in DASH streaming.
All major locales have been updated: German, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, .
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.4
Video DownloadHelper 7.3.4 now includes support for downloading Facebook videos !
When browsing a Facebook timeline or opening a Facebook video post, Video DownloadHelper offers several variants for each detected video. There should be one or two simple-streamed variants (companion app is optional) and one to many ADP options (audio and video streams are transparently downloaded and aggregated locally, this requires the use of the companion app). In general, the best quality is only available through an ADP option.
Changes from 7.3.1:
- Feature: support for downloading Facebook videos
- Feature: configurable file naming when using gallery download
- Fix: initiate download or open panel from keyboard hot key:
- Start default action on the first hit: (Windows/Linux) ALT+DOWN, (Mac) CMD+SHIFT+DOWN
- Open add-on main panel: (Windows/Linux) ALT+UP, (Mac) CMD+SHIFT+UP
- Fix: actions Open Media (to play the downloaded video with the local default application) and Open Directory (to open the folder containing the downloaded file) are available again, through the 1.2.4 update of the companion app
- Fix: proper smart naming name picking when mode Get name from URL is chosen
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.1
Video DownloadHelper 7.3.1 brings a number of improvements and fixes that have been requested or reported by our users.
Some of those fixes are located in the add-on itself, some had to be made in the companion application (the external application that is to be installed along with the extension in order to provide the necessary capabilities removed from Firefox Quantum v57). As a consequence, Video DownloadHelper 7.3.1 will request you to update the companion app to version 1.2.2.
We understand that updating this companion application is a bit tedious if you compare to how smoothly the add-on updates, and we try to keep this requirement as seldom as possible. But in this case, we had no other choice. We apologize in advance.
Changes from 7.3.0
Fix: gallery downloads failure through CoApp 1.2.2 requirement
Changes from 7.2.2
Fix: SaveAs dialogs closing unexpectedly when request CoApp downloads
Fix: downloads of big (>2GB) files failing with error invalid typed array length
Fix: YouTube file names are now taken in priority from the video metadata and not the page title that produces a «- Youtube» trailing
Fix: requesting a Download & Convert operation from a DASH streaming to an audio-only format caused the action to be stalled at 50%
Improvement: in order to minimize the impact of Video DownloadHelper to the user experience, whenever the extension opens a tab and the user closes it, the original tab is restored
Improvement: DASH downloads are now of much better quality with an improved management of video synchronisation frames
Improvement: videos from Tumblr now display a proper thumbnail
Fix: some running downloads did appear amongst other detected videos and not in the in the running section
Improvement: SaveAs dialogs now sorts file names in a case-insensitive way
CoApp: Converter is now based on ffmpeg 4.0
CoApp: Comodo IceDragon browser support
CoApp: include libbz2 library that is missing by default in Fedora and some other Linux distributions
CoApp: include libnuma library that is missing by default in GenToo and some other Linux distributions
CoApp: on Fedora and some other Linux distributions, the companion app manifests are now correctly installed to directory /usr/lib64
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.3.0
Video DownloadHelper 7.3.0 brings a number of improvements and fixes that have been requested or reported by our users.
Some of those fixes are located in the add-on itself, some had to be made in the companion application (the external application that is to be installed along with the extension in order to provide the necessary capabilities removed from Firefox Quantum v57). As a consequence, Video DownloadHelper 7.3.0 will request you to update the companion app to version 1.2.1.
We understand that updating this companion application is a bit tedious if you compare to how smoothly the add-on updates, and we try to keep this requirement as seldom as possible. But in this case, we had no other choice. We apologize in advance.
Changes from 7.2.2
- Fix: SaveAs dialogs closing unexpectedly when request CoApp downloads
- Fix: downloads of big (>2GB) files failing with error invalid typed array length
- Fix: YouTube file names are now taken in priority from the video metadata and not the page title that produces a «- Youtube» trailing
- Fix: requesting a Download & Convert operation from a DASH streaming to an audio-only format caused the action to be stalled at 50%
- Improvement: in order to minimize the impact of Video DownloadHelper to the user experience, whenever the extension opens a tab and the user closes it, the original tab is restored
- Improvement: DASH downloads are now of much better quality with an improved management of video synchronisation frames
- Improvement: videos from Tumblr now display a proper thumbnail
- Fix: some running downloads did appear amongst other detected videos and not in the in the running section
- Improvement: SaveAs dialogs now sorts file names in a case-insensitive way
- CoApp: Converter is now based on ffmpeg 4.0
- CoApp: Comodo IceDragon browser support
- CoApp: include libbz2 library that is missing by default in Fedora and some other Linux distributions
- CoApp: include libnuma library that is missing by default in GenToo and some other Linux distributions
- CoApp: on Fedora and some other Linux distributions, the companion app manifests are now correctly installed to directory /usr/lib64
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.2.2
YouTube bulk download: it is now possible to mouse-select a part of a YouTube page and request the download of all the videos that are linked from from the selected section. This is feature was existing in VDH6 but was limited to unsigned videos. You can also now launch a Download & Convert bulk operation, allowing for instance to retrieve a large number of MP3 files in a few clicks. Try it: from a YouTube page, try CTRL-A to select all the page, then click the Video DownloadHelper toolbar button.
Smartnaming is back: you can now again specify for given sites where in the page to get the video file name from, or choose an obfuscated file name for discretion. Unlike VDH6, the new Smartnaming allows full XPath expressions to generate accurate video names. Try it: from a page containing a video, right-click and pick Video DownloadHelper > Smart Naming Rule
Conversion rules: it is possible again to define per-domain and/or per extension conversion rules, so that downloaded files are automatically converted in background. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Conversion Rules in the dropdown menu
Variant preferences editing: as with VDH6, you can now reorder the variant qualities you want to appear at the top of the list. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Video Qualities in the dropdown menu. Use Drag & Drop to reorder the variant preferences
VDH commands from Firefox Tools menu: this is an opt-in feature, it has to be enabled from VDH settings > Appearance
Fixed aggregating YouTube videos that could, in certain cases failed with error Invalid data
Fixed clicking through YouTube playlist could show previous video title in the download menu
Fixed handling misformed MP2T frames on some HLS streams
Updated locales
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.2.1
YouTube bulk download: it is now possible to mouse-select a part of a YouTube page and request the download of all the videos that are linked from from the selected section. This is feature was existing in VDH6 but was limited to unsigned videos. You can also now launch a Download & Convert bulk operation, allowing for instance to retrieve a large number of MP3 files in a few clicks. Try it: from a YouTube page, try CTRL-A to select all the page, then click the Video DownloadHelper toolbar button.
Smartnaming is back: you can now again specify for given sites where in the page to get the video file name from, or choose an obfuscated file name for discretion. Unlike VDH6, the new Smartnaming allows full XPath expressions to generate accurate video names. Try it: from a page containing a video, right-click and pick Video DownloadHelper > Smart Naming Rule
Conversion rules: it is possible again to define per-domain and/or per extension conversion rules, so that downloaded files are automatically converted in background. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Conversion Rules in the dropdown menu
Variant preferences editing: as with VDH6, you can now reorder the variant qualities you want to appear at the top of the list. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Video Qualities in the dropdown menu. Use Drag & Drop to reorder the variant preferences
VDH commands from Firefox Tools menu: this is an opt-in feature, it has to be enabled from VDH settings > Appearance
Fixed aggregating YouTube videos that could, in certain cases failed with error Invalid data
Fixed clicking through YouTube playlist could show previous video title in the download menu
Fixed handling misformed MP2T frames on some HLS streams
Updated locales
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.2.0
YouTube bulk download: it is now possible to mouse-select a part of a YouTube page and request the download of all the videos that are linked from from the selected section. This is feature was existing in VDH6 but was limited to unsigned videos. You can also now launch a Download & Convert bulk operation, allowing for instance to retrieve a large number of MP3 files in a few clicks. Try it: from a YouTube page, try CTRL-A to select all the page, then click the Video DownloadHelper toolbar button.
Smartnaming is back: you can now again specify for given sites where in the page to get the video file name from, or choose an obfuscated file name for discretion. Unlike VDH6, the new Smartnaming allows full XPath expressions to generate accurate video names. Try it: from a page containing a video, right-click and pick Video DownloadHelper > Smart Naming Rule
Conversion rules: it is possible again to define per-domain and/or per extension conversion rules, so that downloaded files are automatically converted in background. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Conversion Rules in the dropdown menu
Variant preferences editing: as with VDH6, you can now reorder the variant qualities you want to appear at the top of the list. Try it: open Video DownloadHelper settings and choose Video Qualities in the dropdown menu. Use Drag & Drop to reorder the variant preferences
VDH commands from Firefox Tools menu: this is an opt-in feature, it has to be enabled from VDH settings > Appearance
Fixed aggregating YouTube videos that could, in certain cases failed with error Invalid data
Fixed clicking through YouTube playlist could show previous video title in the download menu
Fixed handling misformed MP2T frames on some HLS streams
Updated locales
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.1.2
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.1.1
Versions 7.x are a complete rewrite of Video DownloadHelper version 6.x to comply with Firefox Quantum requirements of the WebExtensions interface.
Version 7.1.1 fixes a bunch of issues that were introduced with 7.0.0.
At this point, 7.1.1 can detect and download any video that could be handled by version 6.3.3.
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.1.0
Versions 7.x are a complete rewrite of Video DownloadHelper version 6.x to comply with Firefox Quantum requirements of the WebExtensions interface.
Version 7.1.0 fixes a bunch of issues that were introduced with 7.0.0.
At this point, 7.1.0 can detect and download any video that could be handled by version 6.3.3.
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License
Версия 7.0.0
Video DownloadHelper 7.0.0 is the first Firefox Quantum compatible version of the add-on.
It is an almost complete rewrite of the extension.
Unfortunately, we have been lacking time and not all features could make it to 7.0.0. Within the next few weeks, most features will be back.
Исходный код выпущен на условиях Custom License