Английский для всех простым языком
Когда НЕ используются артикли
Правило # 1
Когда говорим о предмете в целом во множественном числе:
I’m allergic to strawberries.
Russians like to eat sandwiches for breakfast.
Правило # 2
Когда перед существительным стоит притяжательное местоимение:
Правило # 3
Когда говорим не о конкретике или чем-то определенном, а обозначаем что-то в общем или в целом:
He travels by car. Он путешествует на машине.
I don’t eat breakfast. Я не ем завтрак.
I don’t like soccer Я не люблю футбол.
Правило # 4
Когда есть обращение:
Правило # 5
Когда в предложении есть NO
Правило # 6
С именами и названиями компаний, имена людей, континенты, страны, города, языки, праздники.
They speak Italian and Spanish.
India is a huge country.
Christmas is celebrated in many countries.
She lives in Toronto.
The Beatles,
Ivan the Terrible.
The USA,
The UK,
The UAE,
The Virgin Islands.
The Philippines,
The Irish Republic.
the Amazon, the river Thames, the Red Sea.
Правило # 7
Не используется после числительных:
Правило # 8
Языки, спорт, предметы, еда:
Math, reading, biology.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
I don’t eat breakfast.
We didn’t like the dinner.
Запомните устойчивые выражения:
at home at work at bed at church at school at university at jail | travel by bus travel by car travel by train | every day every week every month every year |
last night
last week
last month
last year
at night
on Sunday … on Saturday
specific days
specific months
specific years
Если ваш уровень выше начального, то потренируйтесь и пройдите упражнения на артикли для уровня pre-intermediate — intermediate >>
Упражнения «Артикли» (с ответами)
1. Поставьте артикли a или an .
1. … elephant 2. … English dictionary 3. … butterfly 4. … German car 5. … Italian bag 6. … American college 7. … Russian city 8. … French designer 9. … Indian river 10. … egg 11. … notebook 12. … elegant lady 13. … ice-cream 14. … Japanese phone
2. Поставьте артикли a / an или the там, где необходимо.
- I’d like … chicken sandwich and … glass of … mineral water. (Я бы хотел сэндвич с курицей и стакан минеральной воды.)
- Would you like … banana or … strawberries? (Ты хочешь банан или клубнику?)
- She always has … apple, … toast and … cup of … coffee for … breakfast. (Она всегда съедает яблоко, тост и пьет чашку кофе на завтрак.)
- The fly is on … ceiling in … kitchen. (Муха – на потолке на кухне.)
- My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … centre of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)
- How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)
- Where are … dogs? – They are in … garden. (Где собаки? – Они в саду.)
- … cats like eating … fish. … cows like eating … grass. … birds like eating … insects. (Кошки любят есть рыбу. Коровы любят есть траву. Птицы любят есть насекомых.)
- My favourite subjects are … chemistry and … biology. (Мои любимые предметы – химия и биология.)
- There is … parrot in … cage. And there are … pieces of … fruit in it. (В клетке попугай. И в ней есть кусочки фруктов.)
- My granny lives in … small village in … country. (Моя бабушка живет в маленькой деревушке в сельской местности.)
- Your baby shouldn’t sit in … sun on … hot day. (Вашему малышу не следует сидеть на солнце в жаркий день.)
- Please open … book. … exercise is on … page 68. (Пожалуйста, откройте книгу. Упражнение находится на странице 68.)
- Ann has been looking for … job for … long time. (Аня ищет работу долгое время.)
- What’s … matter? — I missed … 6 o’clock train. (Что случилось? – Я не успел на 6-часовой поезд.)
- Do you like … vegetables? (Ты любишь овощи?)
- … mother has got … terrible headache today. (У мамы сегодня ужасная головная боль.)
- There were … tears in … her eyes. (В ее глазах были слезы.)
- She is … very nice woman but her sons are … bad boys. (Она очень хорошая женщина, но ее сыновья – плохие парни.)
- Look at … woman. She is … neighbor I told you about. (Посмотри на женщину. Это соседка, о которой я тебе говорил.)
3. Поставьте артикли a / an или the , где необходимо.
- Yesterday I bought … pair of … shoes. Unfortunately … shoes are too tight. (Вчера я купила пару туфель. К сожалению, туфли слишком узкие.)
- We had … dinner in … restaurant … last night. – What is … name of … restaurant? (Вчера ночью мы ужинали в ресторане. – Как называется ресторан?)
- Tony has two children: … boy and … girl. They are … twins. … girl is in … France now. (У Тони двое детей: мальчик и девочка. Они близнецы. Девочка находится сейчас во Франции.)
- Would you like another piece of … cake? – No, … cake is too fat for me. (Хотите еще один кусок торта? – Нет, для меня торт слишком жирный.)
- His office is on … Floor 5. And I live on … tenth floor. (Его офис находится на этаже 5. А я живу на десятом этаже.)
- Little Mike leaves for … school very early because … school is quite far from … his home. (Маленький Майк уходит в школу очень рано, потому что школа довольно далеко от его дома.)
- Lara saw … letter under … door. She read … letter and started crying. (Лара увидела под дверью письмо. Она прочитала письмо и начала плакать.)
- Did you enjoy … food at … party … last Friday? (Тебе понравилась еда на вечере в прошлую пятницу?)
- Roger is … scientist, he works for … government. (Роджер – ученый, он работает на правительство.)
- We go to … gym twice … week. (Мы ходим в спортзал дважды в неделю.)
4. Поставьте артикли там, где необходимо.
- I come to … work by … bus. Today … bus was a bit late. (Я езжу на работу на автобусе. Сегодня автобус немного опоздал.)
- … Jack is … youngest but … cleverest boy at … school. (Джэк – самый младший, но самый умный мальчик в школе.)
- It rained, so I stayed at … home in … evening. But today … sun is shining brightly in … sky. (Шел дождь, поэтому я остался дома вечером. Но сегодня ярко светит солнце в небе.)
- On … Monday … kids were tired and they went to … bed very early. (В понедельник дети устали и пошли спать очень рано.)
- My wife is … best woman in … world and I’m … happiest husband! (Моя жена – лучшая женщина на свете, а я самый счастливый муж!)
- They are having … test on … third of December. (У них будет тест третьего декабря.)
- What … beautiful painting! … artist is such … talented person. (Какая красивая картина! Художник – такой талантливый человек.)
- Robin Hood robbed … rich and helped … poor. (Робин Гуд грабил богатых и помогал бедным.)
- David is … old friend of mine. He plays … guitar perfectly. His sister has been playing … tennis since … age of ten. (Давид — мой старый друг. Он отлично играет на гитаре. Его сестра играет в теннис с 10 лет.)
- … Jacksons live in that lovely cottage with … fantastic garden. (Семья Джэксонов живет в том милом коттедже с фантастическим садом.)
- Sam used … drugs and was sent to … prison in … August. What … shame! (Сэм применял наркотики и был отправлен в тюрьму в августе. Какой позор!)
- … Harrisons are not religious and they never go to … church. (Семья Гаррисонов не религиозна, и они никогда не ходят в церковь.)
- He has been in … hospital for … month. (Он лежит в больнице в течение месяца.)
- … English are very fond of … gardening. (Англичане очень увлекаются садоводством.)
- I’ve tried to learn … Japanese many times. (Я пробовал изучать японский язык много раз.)
- She is … famous actress and she often appears on … TV. (Она – известная актриса и часто появляется на телевидении.)
- It’s such … original idea! Besides you’ve got … good sense of humour. (Это такая оригинальная идея! Кроме того, у тебя хорошее чувство юмора.)
- On … rainy day … castle looks like … prison. (В дождливый день замок выглядит как тюрьма.)
5. Поставьте артикли с именами собственными, если это необходимо.
- … Cairo is … capital of … Egypt. (Каир – столица Египта.)
- It was so picturesque in … Crimea … last summer. (В Крыму было так живописно прошлым летом.)
- . London stands on … Thames. (Лондон стоит на Темзе.)
- I had … my holiday in … northern Italy … last year but I’m going to cross … Atlantic ocean and visit … USA … next year. (Я провел отпуск в северной Италии в прошлом году, но в следующем году я собираюсь пересечь Атлантический океан и посетить США.)
- … Moon moves round … Earth. (Луна движется вокруг Земли.)
- … Great Patriotic war started in 1941. (Великая Отечественная война началась в 1941 году.)
- … Volga is … longest river in … Russia. (Волга – самая длинная река в России.)
- … Ukraine and … Turkey are separated by … Black sea. (Украину и Турцию разделяет Черное море.)
- My friend usually goes to … Alps in … spring by … plane. (Мой друг обычно ездит в Альпы весной на самолете.)
- … Urals are lower than … Caucasus. (Уральские горы ниже Кавказа.)
- … Great Britain is situated on … two large islands. (Великобритания расположена на двух больших островах.)
- … Christmas and … Easter are my favourite holidays. (Рождество и Пасха – мои любимые праздники.)
- It takes about … hour to get from … Domodedovo airport to … Lenin street. (Требуется около часа, чтобы добраться от аэропорта Домодедово до улицы Ленина.)
- What’s … weather like today in … Australia? (Какая сегодня погода в Австралии?)
- … Colorado river flows through … Grand Canyon. (Река Колорадо протекает через Большой Каньон.)
- My English friend took me to see … National gallery, … Houses of … Parliament and … Tower bridge. (Мой английский друг взял меня посмотреть Национальную галерею, Здания Парламента и Тауэрский мост.)
- … Statue of … Liberty was … present from … French people. (Статуя свободы была подарком от французского народа.)
- … Galaxy where we live is called … Milky Way. (Галактика, в которой мы живем, называется Млечным путем.)
Также разобрать упражнения индивидуально можно с репетиторами английского по скайпу. Пробное занятие бесплатное.
1. an 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an 7. a 8. a 9. an 10. an 11. a 12. an 13. an 14. a
1. a, a. — . 2. a, — . 3. an, a, a, — , — . 4. the, the. 5. an, a, the, the, — . 6. — , an. 7. the, the. 8. — , — , — , — , — , — . 9. — , — . 10. a, the, — , — . 11. a, the. 12. the, a. 13. the, the, — . 14. a, a. 15. the, the. 16. — . 17. — , a. 18. — , — . 19. a, — . 20. the, the.
1. a, — , the. 2. — , a, — , the, the. 3. a, a, — , the, — . 4. — , the. 5. — , the. 6. — , the, — . 7. a, the, the. 8. the, the, — . 9. a, the. 10. the, a.
1. — , — , the. 2. — , the, the, — . 3. — , the, the, the. 4. — , the, — . 5. the, the, the. 6. a, the. 7. a, the, a. 8. the, the. 9. an, the, — , the. 10. the, a. 11. — , — , — , a. 12. the, — . 13. — , a. 14. the, — . 15. — . 16. a, — . 17. an, a. 18. a, the, a.
1. — , the, — . 2. the, — . 3. — , the. 4. — , — , — , the, the, — . 5. the, the. 6. the. 7. the, the, — . 8. -, — , the. 9. the, — , — . 10. the, the. 11. — , — . 12. — , — . 13. an, — , — . 14. the, — . 15. the, the. 16. the, the, — , — . 17. the, — , a, the. 18. the, the.
Articles (Exercises) (Артикли-упражнения)-3
1 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли а, а n или местоимения some и any.
1. I usually smoke . cigarettes or . pipe. My father smokes . cigars. 2. Are there . matches in that box? 3. Is there . bookshop in this street? I want to buy . books. 4. . watchmaker repairs . watches and . clocks. 5. There . sofa and . chairs in this room. 6. Did you buy . boots or. shoes? 7. Andrew is . engineer. 8. Mr. Ivanov is . architect; his two brothers are . artists. 9. There are . newspapers and . magazines on the table. 10. Which would you like: . apple or. orange? 11. Which would you like: . apples or. oranges? 12. Is there . letter for me? 13. Are there . letters for me? 14. What. strange man! 15. What . interesting books!
2 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли a, an , the или местоимения some и any .
1. Has . postman come yet? I am expecting . letter from my friend. 2. My brother can drive . car. 3. I got. interesting book from our library. . librarian said that I could keep it only for . week as . teacher of History also wanted it. 4. How can you say such . things? 5. There is . meeting in . conference hall this evening. 6. When . Moon passes between . Earth and . Sun. eclipse results. 7. There is . red book and . green book on . table in . study. Will you bring me . green one, please? 8. Can you tell me how to get to . cinema? Go straight down . street until you come to . river. Then turn to . left and you will see . large red building. That is . museum. 9. He brought . books from . library. 10. I know . schoolboys of that school. 11.1 want to write . letter to my mother. Have you . pen? 12. How brilliantly . stars shine! 13. . low stone wall separated . house from . road. 14. He asked . teacher. question. 15. He received . telegram from London yesterday. 16. Are there . pictures in this magazine? 17. He is reading “Oliver Twist». novel by Charles Dickens. 18. door opened and . man entered . room. He was . man of about 50 years of age. 19. . lion is . large powerful animal. 20. There are many schools for . blind in our country.
3 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли. Укажите, является ли определение при существительном индивидуализирующим, классифицирующим или описательным:
1. I cannot find . book which you gave me this morning. 2. . clock in . hall is slow. 3. I have received . telegram of great importance. 4, They were standing on . top of. hill. 5. I have bought. overcoat with . fur collar. 6. They have sold . cargo of 5,000 tons of. wheat. 7. He lives in . house opposite . station. 8. . novel which you lent me is very interesting. 9. This is . book which you will like. 10. . dog, which was running with . large piece of. meat which he had stolen, came to . stream, over which there was . little bridge. 11. Yesterday I met. old friend, whom I recognized at once. 12. garden which is at. back of that house has. tennis-court. 13. Here is. pen you need. 14. She is. teacher whom we all admire. 15. This morning . postman brought me . letter without. stamp. 16. You can buy bread in . bakery round the corner. 17. . man who has no . patience cannot play . chess well. 18. Is that. boy whom they are looking for? 19. My son has. very good English teacher, who knows. language perfectly. 20. Is that. man you spoke to yesterday? 21. large branch broken by . wind lay across our path. 22. . street which leads to . cinema is very wide. 23. . person who is sitting next to me is . famous painter.
4 Переведите на английский язык:
1. Прошлым летом мы жили в деревне, расположенной на берегу Темзы, в маленьком домике, окруженном садиком. 2. Дом, в котором мы жили летом, был окружен большим садом. 3. Вчера я разговаривал с человеком, который провел несколько лет в Англии. 4. Я не помню фактов, которые он упомянул в своем докладе. 5. В своем докладе он упомянул цифры, которые ясно иллюстрируют быстрое развитие нашей промышленности. 6. Человек, который хочет овладеть иностранным языком, должен работать очень усердно и систематически. 7. Я только что прочел рассказ, который мне очень понравился. 8. Рассказ, который я только что прочел, очень интересный. 9. Вчера я разговаривал с директором, который сказал мне, что поможет мне в этом деле. 10. Люди, которые занимаются физкультурой, обычно бывают очень здоровыми. 11. Дом, который строится на нашей улице, будет одним из самых высоких домов в Москве. 12. В прошлой: году, когда я был в Крыму, я хорошо отдохнул.
5 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли или местоимения some и any.
1. . oil is one of. most important natural resources of our country. 2. Put. wood on . fire. 3. . silver is not so heavy as . gold. 4. . iron is . metal. 5. Please cut . grass in the garden. 6. Pour. milk into the cup, please. 7. . milk which you bought in the morning has turned sour. 8. We make . butter and . cheese from . milk. 9. . coffee is very hot, I must put. milk in it. 10. Buy . tobacco, please. 11. Pass me. sugar, please.12. . house is surrounded by . wall built of. stone. 13. In . desert it is difficult to find . water. 14. . water which we drink in our towns is filtered at waterworks. 15. This district is very rich in . gold. 16. Is your shirt made of. silk or. cotton? 17.1 don’t want. juice, give me . water, please. 18. I always drink . cold water. 19. Bring me . hot water, please.20. Have you bought. butter?
6 Переведите на английский язык:
1. Я попросил его купить бумаги и чернил. 2. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока. 3. Вскипятите воды, пожалуйста. 4. Молоко необходимо детям. 5. Положите масло в суп. 6. Поставьте хлеб на стол. 7. Я не пью молока, я пью чай или сок. 8. Он привез мне табаку с Кавказа. Табак очень хороший, но слишком крепкий. 9. Я купил вчера очень хорошего чаю. Я пошлю кофе матери. Она любит хороший кофе. 10. Где сыр? — Он на столе. 11. Есть ли нефть в этом районе? 12. Куда вы положили торт, который я вчера купил? 13. Вода в этой реке очень чистая. 14. Чернила в моей чернильнице очень плохие. 15. Бензин, который используется в авиации, должен быть очень высокого качества.
7 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:
1. . chief aim of . libraries is to develop . love for. good book among . people. 2. . thermometer is . instrument for measuring . temperature. 3. . temperature today is not so high as it was yesterday. 4. observation and . experience are two great teachers. 5. . water is necessary for. life. 6. Mr. Brown made . excellent speech at. meeting yesterday. 7. . length, . breadth and . height of . cube are equal. 8. He deserves . punishment. 9. Can you find . time for this work? 10. I have noticed . great change in her lately. 11. I have . great deal of. confidence in that man. 12. Every machine requires some sort of. power to operate it. 13. . literature is his subject, especially . literature of. Middle Ages. 14. . poetry of Kipling is beautiful. 15. There was . expression in his eyes that I could not understand. 16. . great Russian critic Belinsky said that . poetry should be . expression of. life. 17. He finished his work without. difficulty. 18. . task presented . difficulty, which we could not overcome at first. 19. He was not discouraged by . difficulty of . task.
8 Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли или местоимения some и any .
А. 1. Mendeleev, . great Russian scientist, was born in . small village. 2. Chkalov was . first man to fly over. North Pole. 3. . great Russian poet Pushkin was born in . Moscow in 1799. 4. St.Petersburg is situated on . Neva. 5. . Elbrus is . highest peak of . Caucasian Mountains. 6. . Crimea is surrounded by . Black Sea. 7. . Caucasus separates . Black Sea from . Caspian Sea. 8. . rice and . cotton grow in . Ukraine now. 9. . people who live in . England speak . English. 10. . Europe and . America are separated by . Atlantic Ocean. 11 New York is in . North America. 12. They were born on . same day and in . same city. 13. I want to write . letter to my mother. Have you . pen? 14. . last page of . book is torn. 15. They met at . gate of . park. 16. I am leaving for London . next week. 17. He read . letter for. second time. 18. My room is on . third floor. 19. What. silly mistakes I have made! 20. . large steel bridge joins . two banks of . river. 21. In our part of. country . October is . stormy month. 22. What. cold weather we are having! 23. All magazines must be returned to . library before . next Monday. 24. . next bus leaves at 8.20. 25. What . beautiful music they are playing! 26. What . strange idea! 27. My son will go to . school. next year. 28. There is . large supermarket in . village. 29. They reached . Pacific Ocean by means of. Panama Canal. 30. Has John returned . book she borrowed . last month? I saw him on Monday and he said he would return it. next day. 31. I called on . Browns yesterday, but did not find them at home as they had already left for . Crimea. 32. He lives in . country in . summer. 33. I spent . summer of 1980 in . Minsk. 34. I like . winter in Moscow. 35. He said that he would call on us . following Monday. 36. . West Indies are in . Atlantic between . North America and . South America. 37. . last morning . sunrise was beautiful. 38. . view from . top of . hill is excellent. 39. We saw . ship sailing near . coast. 40. Both . copper and . lead are found in this mine. 41. In . department store you can buy . food, . shoes, . clothing, and . other goods.
. Hans had . great many friends, but. most devoted friend of all was . big Hugh. miller. Indeed, so devoted was . rich miller to . little Hans that he never went by his garden without leaning over . wall and plucking . large nosegay, or filling his pockets with . plums and . cherries if it was . fruit season.
“ . real friends should have everything in common,». miller used to say. neighbours, indeed thought it strange that. rich miller never gave . little Hans anything in return, though he had . hundred sacks of. flour stored away in . mill, and six cows, and . large flock of. sheep. In . spring, . summer and . autumn Hans was very happy, but when . winter came, he suffered . good deal from . cold and . hunger and often had to go to . bed without. supper. “There is no good in my going to see . little Hans now,” . miller used to say to his wife, “for when . people are in . trouble they should not be bothered by . visitors. I shall pay him . visit in spring, and he will be able to give me . large basket of flowers, and that will make him so happy.” ‘ You are very thoughtful about. others,” answered his wife. “It is . pleasure to hear you talk about . friendship. I am sure . clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things, though he does live in . three-storied house and wears . gold ring on his little finger.’ “But could we not ask little Hans up here?” said . miller’s youngest son. “ What . silly boy you are!” cried . miller. “I really don’t know what is . use of, sending you to . school. You do not seem to learn anything. Why, if. little Hans came here, he might get envious, and . envy is . most terrible thing. Besides, if he came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on . credit, and that I could not do, . flour is one thing, and . friendship is another. . words are spelt differently and mean quite different things.” “ How well you talk,” said . miller’s wife, pouring herself out. large glass of. warm ale. “It is just like being in . church.»
1 1. — ; а; — . 2. any. 3. a; some. 4. а; — ; — . 5. a; some. 6. — ; — . 7. а n . 8. an ; — . 9. some; some. 10. an; an. 11. — (or: some); — (or: some). 12. a. 13. any. 14. a. 15. — .
2 1. the; a. 2. a. 3. an; the; a; a. 4. — . 5. a; the. 6. the; the; the; an. 7. a; a; the; the; the. 8. the; the; the; a; the. 9. some; the. 10. some. 11. a; a. 12. the. 13. a; the; the. 14.the; a. 15. some. 16. any. 17. a. 18. the; a; the; a. 19. the (or: a); a. 20. the.
3 1. the. 2. the; the. 3. a. 4. the; a. 5. an; a; 6. a; — .7. a (or the); the. 8. the. 9. a. 10. a; a; — ; a; a. 11. an. 12. the; the; a. 13. the (or a). 14. a. 15. the; a; a. 16. a. (or the). 17. a. 18. the. 19. a; the. 20. the; 21. a; the. 22. the; the. 23. the; a.
4 1. Last summer we stayed in a village situated on the Thames in a little house surrounded by a small garden. 2. The house in which we stayed in the summer was surrounded by a large garden. 3. Yesterday I spoke to a man who had spent several years in England. 4.I don’t remember the facts which he mentioned in his report. 5. In his report he mentioned soma figures which clearly illustrate the rapid development of our industry. 6. A person who wants to learn a foreign language must work very hard and systematically. 7. I’ve just read a story which I liked very much, 8. The story which I’ve just read is very interesting. 9. Yesterday I spoke to the director, who told me that he would help me in this business. 10. People who have physical training are usually very healthy. 11. The house which is being built in our street will be one of the highest houses in Moscow. 12. Last year when I was in the Crimea,I had a good rest.
5 1. — ; the. 2. some (or: the); the. 3. — ; — . 4. — ; a. 5. the. 6. some (or: the). 7. the. 8. — ; — ; — . 9. the; some. 10. some. 11. the. 12. the; a; — . 13. a; — .14. the. 15.- . 16 — ; — . 17. any; some. 18. — , 19. some. 20. any.
6 1. I asked him to buy some paper and some ink. 2. Give me some milk, please. 3. Boil the water, please. 4. Children need milk (or: Milk is necessary for children). 5. Put some butter into the soup. 6. Put the (or: some) bread on the table. 7. I don’t drink milk, I drink tea or juice. 8. He brought me some tobacco from the Caucasus. The tobacco is very good, but I don’t like strong tobacco. 9. Yesterday I bought some very good tea. I’ll send the coffee to my mother. She likes good coffee very much. 10. Where is the cheese? — It is on the table. 11. Is there any oil in this district? 12. Where did you put the cake that I bought yesterday? 13. The water in this river is very clear. 14. The ink in my inkpot is very bad. 15.Petrol which is used in aviation must be very high in quality (or: must be of very high quality).
7 1. the; -; a; -; the. 2. a (or: the); an; -. 3. the. 4. -; -. 5. -; -. 6. an; a (or: the). 7. the; the; the; a. 8. -. 9. -. 10. a. 11. a; -. 12. -. 13. -; the; the. 14. the. 15. an. 16. the; -; an; -. 17. -. 18. the; a. 19. the; the.
8 А. 1. the; a. 2. the; the. 3- the. 4. the. 5. -; the; the. 6. the; the. 7. the; the; the.
8. -; -; the. 9. the; -; -. 10. -; -; the. 11. -; -. 12. the; the. 13. a; a.14. the; the. 15. the; the. 16. -. 17. the; a. 18. the. 19. -. 20. a; the; the. 21. the; -; a. 22. -. 23. the; -. 24. the. 25. -. 26. a. 27. -; -. 28. a; the. 29. the; the. 30. the; — 31. the; the. 32. the; — (or: the). 33. the; -. 34. -. 35. the. 36. the; the; -. 37. the; the. 38. the; the; a(or: the). 39. a; the. 40. -; -. 41. a; -.
Hans had a great many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was big Hugh, the miller. Indeed, so devoted was the rich miller to little Hans that he never went by his garden- without leaning over the wall and plucking a large nosegay, or filling his pockets with plums and cherries if it was the fruit season.
“ Real friends should have everything in common,” the miller used to say. The neigbours, indeed, thought it strange that the rich miller never gave little Hans anything in return, though he had a hundred sacks of flour stored away in the mill, and six cows, and a large flock of sheep.
In spring, summer and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, he suffered a good deal from the cold and hunger and often had to go to bed without supper. “There is no good in my going to see little Hans now,” the miller used to say to his wife, “for when people are in trouble they should not be bothered by visitors. I shall pay him a visit in spring, and he will be able to give me a large basket of flowers, and that will make him so happy.”
“ You are very thoughtful about others,” answered his wife. “It is a pleasure to hear you talk about friendship. I am sure the clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things, though he does live in a three-storied house and wears a gold ring on his little finger.»
“ But could we not ask little Hans up here?” said the miller’s youngest son. “ What a silly boy you are!” cried the miller. “I really don’t know what is the use of sending you to school. You do not seem to learn anything. Why, if little Hans came here, he might get envious, and envy is the most terrible thing. Besides, if he came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another. The words are spelt differently and mean quite different things.” “ How well you talk,” said the miller’s wife, pouring herself out a large glass of warm ale. “It is just like being in church.”
On the 12th of August, 1953, a Soviet foreign trade organization concluded a contract with a foreign firm for the sale of a cargo of 6,000 tons of wheat. The wheat was to be shipped in September. The sellers chartered the S. S. “Martha” for the transportation of wheat. About ten days before the expected arrival of the vessel at the port of loading, the shipowners informed the sellers that S. S. “Martha” had been in collision with another boat during a dense fog in the Mediterranean Sea and would not be able to arrive at the port of loading before the end of September. The sellers had at their disposal a larger vessel of 6,500 tons. Therefore they sent a telegram to the buyers asking them to accept 6,500 tons of wheat instead of 6,000 tons. The buyers agreed, but requested the sellers to ship the wheat in the first half of October. The sellers consented to postpone the shipment of the cargo in accordance with the desire of the buyers, and the cargo was shipped on the 10th of October.